Selected conferences

– “Taiwan, the Asian powder keg,” General Assembly of the Society of Swiss Army Officers of the Canton of Vaud, Vevey, 06/24.

– “The Taiwan Strait issue and Japan’s emergence as a powerful regional security stakeholder,” University of Zurich, Zurich, 04/24.

– “Are the regional great powers back? Germany and Japan in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine War,” 2024 Annual Convention, International Studies Association, San Francisco, 04/24.

– “The Future of Taiwan Democracy,” Geneva Press Club/Cultural and Economic Delegation of Taipei, Geneva, 02/24.

– “A Neoclassical Realist Understanding of Inertia and Rupture in Security Policy: the Cases of Germany and Japan,” 16th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, European International Studies Association, Potsdam, 09/23.

– “The international relations of Japan, Taiwan and China in historical perspective,” European University Institute, Florence, 09/23.

– “What lessons can we learn from Japan’s rush to the Pacific War,” Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, 07/23.

– “What lessons can we learn from Japan’s rush to the Pacific War,” Waseda University, Tokyo, 07/23.

– “Is Japan’s military build-up threatening regional stability?” Asia Society Switzerland, Zurich, 05/23.

– “China, Taiwan, and Japan’s emergence as a regional security shaper,” General Assembly of the Society of Swiss Army Officers of the Canton of Fribourg, Bulle, 05/23.

– “China-Taiwan tensions & Japan’s awakening as a regional security actor,” ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Zurich, 04/23.

– “Japan’s security policy, then and now,” Webster Vienna Private University, Vienna, 03/23.

– “Ukraine, Taiwan, and the changing Eurasian geopolitical landscape,” Geneva Student Symposium, jointly organized by Webster University – Geneva Campus and Cal Poly Pomona, Geneva, 03/23.

– “The War in Ukraine and China’s evolving geostrategy,” General Assembly of the Association of Swiss Army Special Forces, Lausanne, 12/22.

– “Geopolitics and Geoeconomics in Asia,” Annual Event of the Parliamentary Friendship Group Switzerland-Japan, organized by the Swiss-Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Bern, 09/22.

– “The consequences of the war in Ukraine for China’s defense strategy and cross-strait relations,” Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Geneva, 07/22.

– “China: regional power with global ambitions,” University of Lausanne/EPFL, Lausanne, 03/22.

– “Doom to fight? China, the US and Taiwan,” Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, 10/21.