Research outcomes


Japan’s Rush to the Pacific War: The Institutional Roots of Overbalancing. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.

Japan’s Awakening: Moving toward an Autonomous Security Policy. Peter Lang, 2019.

Book chapters

– “Vers une nouvelle ère de militarisation (et d’instabilité ?) en Indo-Pacifique.” In Indo-Pacifique, région stratégique, ed. Julian Fernandez, Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer and Justin Massie. Édition des équateurs, 2024.


– “Departing from isolationism: Japan’s emergence as a regional security actor.” 9DashLine, May 2024.

– “Sailing close to the wind: Japan’s forward deterrence posture toward the Taiwan Strait.” Asian Security, Vol. 20, Issue 1, 2024.

– “New Japanese Strike Weapons Could Spark An Asian Arms Race.” The National Interest, Sept. 2020.

– “Japan’s Space Program: Shifting Away from ‘Non-Offensive’ Purposes?” Asie.Visions, Institut français de relations internationales (Ifri), July 2020.

– “Is Japan entering the new space race?” East Asia Forum, Feb. 2020.

– “All eyes on Washington.” Policy Forum, Oct. 2019.

– “Japan’s awakening to a multipolar world.” East Asia Forum, June 2019.

– “A new spear in Asia: why is Japan moving toward autonomous defense?” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol. 19, Issue 2, 2019.

– “‘Japan is Back’: Autonomy and Balancing amidst an Unstable China-US-Japan Triangle.” Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 2018.

– “‘Japan is Back’: but which Japan?” Policy Forum, May 2018.

– “A US-China Entente Cordiale to Relieve the North Korean Headache.” Global Observatory, Sept. 2017.

– “Institutional Dynamics, Civil-Military Relations and Japan’s 1936 Withdrawal from the Washington System.” The Journal of the Research Institute for the History of Global Arms Transfer, No. 4, July 2017.

– “Could China’s Diplomatic Proposal Break the North Korean Deadlock?” Global Observatory, June 2017.

– “Stabilising East Asia by striking Syria.” Policy Forum, April 2017.

– “Mer de Chine: futur terrain de confrontation entre grandes puissances?” Klvin Mag, numéro 1, Sept. 2016.

– “The impotence of conventional arms control: why do international regimes fail when they are most needed?” Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 37, Issue 2, 2016.

– “Japan at the Crossroad of US-China Rivalry.” La Cité, an 5, numéro 5, May 2016.

– “Japan’s New Security Policy: Toward Regional Involvement at Sea?” Strategic Security Analysis, No. 4, April 2016.

– “Do Shinzo Abe’s Defense Initiatives Matter?” The Diplomat, June 2015.

– “Le pacifisme de la population nippone devra faire ses preuves.” Perspectives internationales, Sept. 2014.

– “Japan’s New Defense Posture.” The Diplomat, July 2014.

– “Is Japan Now Finally a Normal Country?” The Diplomat, Dec. 2013.

– “The Pandora’s Box of Sovereignty Conflicts: Far-reaching regional consequences of Japan’s nationalization of the Senkakus.” The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 4, No. 2, 2013.


– The Japan Times, Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Nagasaki Shimbun, Kōchi Shimbun, Chūgoku Shimbun, Saga Shimbun, Kyodo News, The Korea Times, Bangkok Post, Le Temps,…

Editorial/peer reviewing activities

– Member of the Advisory Board, “Conflict Barometer,” Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, University of Heidelberg.

– Peer reviews: